BPO Partner Program

5 Things to Look for In a Partner

Business Solutions Article – Five Things to Look for in a Partner Many companies today credit at least part of their success to strong and meaningful partnerships. These strategic alliances can help drive growth and profitability and allow businesses to gain a competitive advantage by accessing a partner’s resources, such as technologies, marketing support, and […]

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The New, Digital World of Payments via RDC

BankNews – When it comes to purchasing goods and getting paid, customers want convenience and businesses are looking for new ways to offer it. Businesses, particularly, are seeking more options in payment and remittance processing…

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Study: Stumbling Blocks Arise in Straight-Through Processing

AIIM – A business Holy Grail is straight-through processing to help speed payments processing but a new study, conducted by Boston-based Aite Group in association with Longmont, Colo.- based Parascript, suggested that there are big stumbling blocks especially for the small businesses that are the typical target market for credit unions.

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The Future of Remittance

Transaction Directory – In working with solution providers, banks and others, we think a big trend for 2013, and beyond, will be the emergence of, what we refer to as, an integrated receivables hub.

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New Solutions for Old-Fashioned Checks

Credit Union Journal – In business speed and accuracy are necessary to remain competitive, yet the critical function of receivables management often gets overwhelmed in sheer volumes of paper and data flows. Checks are a big reason why.  

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Surprising Channel Opportunities in Forms Processing

Channel Insider Canada took part in a recent webinar presentation with Doug Miles, director of market intelligence for AIIM, and Dwayne Ritchie, SVP of sales and marketing for Parascript, to learn more about the survey results, how businesses can better manage their forms and information, and how channel partners can take advantage of developments in […]

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