ParaScript Blog
Industry News & Insights
Too Much Focus Can Spoil Real Automation Opportunities
Sometimes it’s not all about adopting AI to make things work better. I was reminded recently about...
Wrangling the “Simple” Structured Form (And Everything Else for That Matter)
In last week’s article a bubble was burst: automating that simple structured form ain’t so simple....
A Dive Into the Claim of Low Sample Requirements
I’ve written about this before but the topic always deserves a revisit, especially since so many...
Losing Weight Without Spending 4 Hours at the Gym
e·qui·lib·ri·um /ˌēkwəˈlibrēəm,ˌekwəˈlibrēəm/ noun: equilibrium; plural noun: equilibria a state...
Straight Through Processing: Getting Beyond the Constraint | Mortgage Classification
Getting beyond the constraint for true straight through processing (STP) is the challenge of every...
In IDP, Trust in AI-Based Automation Is Still an Issue
WIRED held a great virtual event called RE: WIRED where esteemed machine learning thought leader...
The 10,000-Hour Rule & IDP
In Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers”, he popularizes the concept that to be great at anything...
Why That “Simple Structured Form” Is So Hard to Process
Let me get the following statement out of the way before I begin my rant: most people have very...
First, Read the Fine Print
It may sound like the classic consumer warning of “caveat emptor” but it seems like a lot of...