The Automation Cheat Sheet for IDP Newbies

I routinely like to juxtapose IDP software with other enterprise software mostly because the differences, while routinely neglected, are vast, and we’re not just talking about applications or features and functionality. When it comes to most enterprise software, emphasis is on user or process efficiency or introducing new capabilities to the business all of which […]

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The Digital Journey for Lending Processes Has a Long Way to Go

We recently participated in a virtual event with Mortgage Banker Magazine along with industry veteran Keith Mullen from Saxony Partners where we discussed the current state of “process confusion” and the immense costs in time and effort inefficiencies cause. For example, in commercial lending, the hoops and obstacles that have to be overcome are dizzying. […]

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The Art of Handling Faxes within Healthcare

Fax machines – a relic of the mid-twentieth century yet they are still going strong due to the ease of use and relative security. Yet when it comes to fax machines within a document-oriented workflow, they present a significant impediment to automation. Nowhere is this more apparent than in healthcare where all manner of documents […]

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What is the most important feature in IDP?

What is the most important feature of an Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) product? Hint: You already know but you don’t spend enough time on it. Before I get to the point, let’s discuss how IDP software is different from most other enterprise software. Features & Functionality – The Hopeless Scorecard of Enterprise Software We’ve all […]

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ai process

Does a Highly Efficient Process Always Require AI?

Everyone talks about AI (and more appropriately machine learning) as being the silver bullet to the challenge of achieving highly efficient business processes. And on the surface, the excitement and perspectives appear appropriate. After all, machine learning has the ability to see things in data that humans might never notice and automatically perform tasks with […]

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Attachment Disorder in Healthcare: Radical Improvement without Radical Disruption

In part one of this article, I covered several aspects that, together conspire to create a process nightmare when it comes to document-based information contained within attachments.

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In Healthcare, We’re Dealing with Another Type of Attachment Disorder

Earlier this year, Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) released their 2020 Index which measures the progress of adopting automation for a variety of administrative processes. The upshot is that billions of dollars are being saved by converting manual processes and the data they use into electronic transactions and 2019 increased savings by $20 billion […]

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Machine learning

Are You Ready for Intelligent Document Processing? | Part 2: The Rise of Machine Learning

How can IDP software simultaneously push through both the complexity barrier and expand to more complex documents? Machine Learning, that’s how. Now, I won’t ever make the claim that machine learning is a magical silver bullet, but when it comes to the chore of crunching large amounts of data to identify patterns and optimal solutions, […]

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big data processing

Are You Ready for Intelligent Document Processing? | Part 1

Don’t call it “OCR” anymore. Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) or what analyst firm Deep Analysis calls “cognitive capture” is something well beyond the traditional approach of applying brute force OCR on documents in order to create searchable content. In fact, increasing OCR is not needed at all with more and more documents born digital. All […]

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How the Healthcare Documents You Use Affect the Potential for Automation

Within practically any industry, key processes hinge upon access to information and data stored within documents and it is no less in healthcare. Even with significant advancements with EHR/EMR and interoperability, use of documents continues to flourish due to a number of factors including that documents are easy to use, and changing from documents to […]

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Taking Document Automation “Beyond OCR”

Most organizations presume that the foundation of document automation relies upon optical character recognition (OCR). This is largely due to the fact that most documents are text-based and therefore, the primary methods available for automation tasks such as document classification and data entry require OCR (among other techniques). But the perspective that document automation is […]

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Ability to learn and improve with Parascript Smart Learning

Intelligent Document Processing: Pre-trained vs. User-trained

Quick, which animal is smarter?  If you selected the newborn baby. you’re right! And if you selected the newborn Gazelle, you’re right!  Ok, both assertions cannot possibly be correct…can they? After all. the human will ultimately be able to communicate and do things that the Gazelle could never do. But the Gazelle, as a newborn, […]

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Catch Me If You Can - How AI software prevents fraud

Catch Me If You Can – How AI Fraud Detection Software Transformed the Check Fraud Investigator’s Job

Catch Me If You Can – Today, AI-powered software can mimic human investigators, detect check fraud in milliseconds and stop the scam.

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Cognitive capture can help reduce fraud and human error impacting insurers

Fraud and Human Error Impact Health Insurers

Find out how cognitive capture can help eliminate the heavy toll of fraud and human error that impacts health insurers and patients.

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Is that training data any good?

Cognitive Capture: Is that training data any good? | Applied AI

The need for a data science approach where machine learning is applied to cognitive capture starts with high quality input data. Find out why.

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