Vocabularies and ICR – Why You May Not Be Getting The Results You Expect

The goal of every recognition engine is to produce the highest accuracy possible which is probably pretty obvious (who uses technology to get poor results?). But did you know that the type and quality of images being recognized can and often produces significantly different results, depending upon which recognition technology is used? For example, in […]

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Advanced Capture for Managing Data Exceptions

There are three primary areas businesses should examine when approaching a document capture project. Without having a solid grounding, business can face significant pain regarding their ability to effectively collect data and ensure its quality, all without significantly increasing exception handling. Many companies don’t take advantage of data recognition and extraction capabilities, even for the […]

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Eliminating Common Errors in Forms Processing for Healthcare

More and more hospitals and insurers are looking to move medical records, claims and enrollment applications online. However, due to doctors’ and patients’ limited access to computers and the ease of applying pen to paper, healthcare organizations are still very reliant on paper forms. The many steps involved in processing healthcare documents, from completing information […]

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How Context and Business Rules Can Help Get the Most from Your Data

Considering all of the ways that businesses rely on data, the benefits of increasing the accuracy of information and processing it more quickly can be huge. From improving internal and external transactions to enhancing customer service; increasing collections and saving time, money and the hassle of researching incorrect data, most organizations stand to gain both […]

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Document Recognition: Speed versus Accuracy

With any document recognition workflow, both speed and accuracy come into play when designing the process. Each has pros and cons requiring analysis to determine the best approach while defining document types, field recognition requirements and validation and verification workflows. In most cases, the tradeoff might not be obvious or apparent. Multiple factors affect speed […]

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Automating Handwriting Recognition – Is NOW The Time?

Despite tremendous gains in process efficiency, paper is still a crucial medium for bridging external and internal processes; which could be as simple as taking a new customer application and entering it into a computer. With rising labor costs and competitive pressures for faster customer service, automation of data extraction from paper is becoming crucial […]

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The Digital Age: Why OCR and ICR Are More Important Today Than Ever

Even with iPhones, iPads, and other digital devices, forms, applications, checks and documents are still widely used to collect data. While obtaining and leveraging this information from forms is a critical business differentiator, getting the data from documents continues to be a challenge, for many organizations, even in our digital age. OCR (or Optical Character […]

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Data quality: Transactional data validation – Part 2

Here’s a short recap of Part 1 (or you can read it here): businesses are doing all sorts of scanning of documents, performing sophisticated data extraction and are actively trying to manage data quality, mostly at a page-level where users view entire documents to review extracted data fields and either verify the data or correct […]

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Data quality: The approach is important – Part 1

A lot of attention is placed in the document capture industry around document classification, field recognition, and full-text recognition. But little attention is given to the real mission of capture solutions – providing high-quality data to businesses. Key to this mission is the data quality assurance process. There is no such thing as a fully […]

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Image quality for document capture, is more DPI always better?

When setting up your scanner or mobile device for introduction to a recognition engine, either for machine print recognition (Optical Character Recognition – OCR) or handwriting recognition (Intelligent Character Recognition – ICR), is more DPI better? In the case of scanning images, there can be too much or too little. There is a point where […]

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Pieces, parts or real solution? Features are features, but can you really use them?

In all types of software needs, businesses are often faced with the same challenge – identifying the appropriate solution. Unfortunately this identification process is given short-shrift, often ending with a person from IT challenged with creating a list of potential solutions based upon a long laundry list of features or technical requirements. The reality of […]

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Forms are at the center of the universe. Sort of.

Recently, I spent a few days at DOCUMENT Strategy Forum in Greenwich, CT. Co-located with the BFMA (Business Forms Management Association) it was an interesting event with a lot of content focusing on forms design and usability. At an event like this, one would think that business forms are the center of the universe. And […]

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Expanded capabilities for CheckPlus International for India

Parascript CheckPlus International enables check recognition capabilities in non-U.S. markets. Parascript offers versions for Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, India, Italy, Malaysia, Portugal, and Puerto Rico. CheckPlus international for India automates check courtesy and legal amount recognition (CAR/LAR), MICR Line (E13B), date field, account number on the back of the check, and account number […]

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Infographic: Why Automated Signature Verification? Here’s Why!

A couple of months ago, Parascript released a short video featuring the benefits of automated signature verification and how it compares to human verification. Now there’s an infographic explaining the art of automated signature verification, click here to see it: Click Here to View the Infographic. Signatures are a unique biometric that belongs to each […]

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Parascript Announces FormXtra® Capture IDR Solution

Yesterday, Parascript announced FormXtra® Capture, a fully-functional IDR (Intelligent Document Recognition) solution, capable of capture, classification and recognition of virtually any data-type. FormXtra Capture has an aggressive and exciting roadmap, as mentioned in the press release, here. We have had a lot of excitement about it so far and wanted to take this opportunity to […]

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