7 Reasons to Scan Documents in Full Color

Do you need to scan a variety of documents from various sources? Do the originals contain some color, a little color or a lot of color affecting the form elements? Do you wonder what settings will produce the best quality? Or what is the best choice for scanning documents into your workflow? These questions are […]

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Health Data: How to Improve Productivity and “Meaningful Usability”

A recent IDC Health Insights Survey reveals that there is a lot of dissatisfaction with electronic health records by healthcare providers.  While many HER/EMR solutions providers tout improved access and efficiencies through the management of healthcare-related information and processes, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that there is dissatisfaction with the current state. Why? […]

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Benefits of Addressee Name Recognition

A decade of intensive investment in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems have resulted in unparalleled success in the speeding up of mail sorting, the increase of OCR reading quality, and the reduction of manual data entry costs. This progress has made recognition technology the most important factor influencing the efficiency of mail sorting equipment. The […]

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Practical Ideas for Extending Health Data with Handwritten Notes

I recently sat-in on a great HIMMS webinar called “Extending Your EMR with Business Intelligence Solutions” that has a lot of great examples of how analytics can be applied to health information stored within electronic medical and health records.  Just as I was about to question where scanned or handwritten information played in this healthcare “revolution” […]

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Addresses Addresses Find Me the Addresses

Addresses are everywhere and they are important for more than just getting a letter or a package from point a to point b. Addresses are a great way to identify and segment data in relational databases or data stored within documents. Whether segmenting at the zip code level, state, city, street or even by business/recipient, […]

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3 Tips for Getting Project Buy-In

What’s the secret to getting project buy-in when you don’t have specific budget or authority? We’ve all heard it a million times. If you want to get something done inside an organization, and you don’t have budget or authority, you need a sponsor. That’s easy to say for a management professor. But in the trenches […]

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Language Support: OCR vs. ICR

OCR and ICR are very different things so forget what you know about OCR when you think about handwritten character or word recognition. OCR was created over 30 years ago and has steadily been improved to the point where it can offer a high degree of accuracy for really well-formatted words and characters. The fundamental […]

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What is Really Possible with ICR and Automated Handwriting Recognition

“Can your software read my dad’s diary?” If we only had a penny for each time we were asked that question… Unlike OCR, which is able to recognize entire pages of machine printed text in several different languages with really high accuracy rates, ICR can’t do the same with handwriting, and we don’t foresee this anytime […]

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How Accurate is Handwriting Recognition?

Working with good quality machine print, OCR provides recognition accuracy of nearly 100 percent (99.9%). The diversity of human writing styles, spacing variations, irregularities of handwriting – all these factors make handwriting recognition a much more challenging task than reading machine printed or even hand printed characters. Therefore, the recognition systems that read cursive handwriting […]

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Can You Use ICR for Bad Quality Machine Print Text?

People might think that handwriting is similar to bad machine print and that ICR is a more advanced form of OCR that can process text of worse quality. In reality, those 2 recognizers, OCR and ICR, are designed to process completely different types of text; OCR for machine print and ICR for handwriting. Machine print […]

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FormXtra Wins CRN Tech Innovator Award

Monday night, we were honored to join the likes of IBM, Microsoft, and Ruckus and Soonr at the annual CRN Tech Innovator Awards, hosted by The Channel Company at their NexTI event in Las Vegas. Our flagship intelligent document recognition product, was selected as the winner in the printing and imaging category. It was identified as a standout product […]

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New FormXtra Features – Summary of Enhancements

Announcing FormXtra 5.4 Today, Parascript announced FormXtra® and FormXtra Capture 5.4. If you’ve been watching the evolution of our FormXtra technology, we are particularly excited about this release. Most significantly, it represents the joining of many discrete and powerful competencies into a unified software solution for document capture. Below is a summary of the changes, and […]

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Parascript.com updates – more content, available anywhere

Earlier this month we published significant updates to Parascript.com. This includes both surface level changes and deep structural changes. Both are designed to help you find the right content, quickly, from any device you are on. This site utilizes cookies to help tailor your experience. I’ll explain what that means (and doesn’t mean) in greater […]

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Why Check Scanner OCR is Not Enough for Check Recognition

There is often a need to read different data from checks, such as amounts, dates, signatures and so on. It may seem that the most logical approach is to rely on the OCR capability that comes with check scanners. Unfortunately, check scanner’s OCR offers very basic capabilities and it’s often not the solution. Reading fields […]

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The Next Step in Postal Services: The Digital Post

Today’s world is characterized by globalization, liberalization, deregulation, and technological advances challenges posts’ monopolistic position as the sole providers of postal services. Their only opportunity to withstand increased competition is to raise the bar for performance and efficiency standards of mail sorting and the quality and variety of services offered. Having the advantage of directly […]

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