Is Handwriting Recognition for Real?

When there’s handwriting on a document, most people think they have to manually enter the information. There is a lot of skeptism regarding the accuracy of automated handwriting recognition and what the technology is actually capable of reading. OCR (Optical character recognition) is a well-known technology able to recognize machine print text with accuracy rates […]

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The Evolution of Capture – Where Does it Fit?

I was just going through the latest edition of the Document Imaging Report (3-7-2014) and as usual, there were a lot of through-provoking articles. The most interesting one, from the perspective of the future of the capture industry, discussed one particular vendor’s approach to enabling common capabilities of capture software into any business application through […]

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Form Design Enhancements to Maximize Capture and Recognition

Form design plays a critical role in the success of capture and recognition. Using the right design elements significantly impacts speed and improves accuracy rates, just as incorrectly designed forms result in increased manual processing.  While these days most forms are available online allowing users to fill out the information directly on the computer, there […]

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Document Analytics to Identify Noncomformance

If you have ever been involved with sales, legal, marketing, or generally any business function that involves agreements, then chances are, you’ve had to endure the back-and-forth that comes with negotiating terms and ensuring that any changes are reflected in the agreement. Then comes the final moment when the signatures need to be added. And […]

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SharePoint and Document Capture – A Good Fit?

Last week a few delegates from Parascript attended the 2014 SharePoint Conference. Our primary goal was to meet potential partners and get the lay of the land to see how we might participate with the conference and the Microsoft SharePoint ecosystem in the future. A few impressions: The sense I received was that many of […]

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The Cost of Medical Snooping

A new HIMSS healthcare security just came out that identifies the very real risk of HIPAA non-compliance by healthcare staff (you can find a nice article summarizing the report here). The penalty in terms of fines for health-related security breaches is quite severe at around $810,000. In another report, 61% of healthcare organizations reported a security […]

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Validation Without the Risk – Field-Based Validation

Have you ever been uncomfortable with someone potentially looking over your shoulder while you enter your PIN number at a point-of-sale device or ATM? What about having someone see the document you’re working on while on an airplane? Now do you have documents in your organization being scanned and validated that have sensitive information like credit […]

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Why Document Classification Matters in Capture Software

A key component of capture and Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) software is document classification. It allows automatic classification of all types of documents based on content or structure with minimal human intervention. Document content varies enormously and makes classification particularly challenging. Business documents can include anything from highly structured forms, such as applications, to highly […]

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Infographic: Adoption of Mobile Banking

Mitek Systems has a great year in review infographic regarding adoption of mobile computing devices and their use within retail banking. It’s becoming pretty clear that being able to perform common banking functions with your mobile device is a very appealing draw to many banking customers and it shouldn’t really come as a surprise. ATM […]

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Video: Process Documents and Checks with a Single Capture Solution

Parascript has been a recognized leader for check recognition in the financial services and banking industry. The company is a key technology supplier providing the powerful engine behind the best solution providers with the highest accuracy and exceptional read rates. This world-class check recognition engine is now available as part of Parascript’s Intelligent Document Recognition […]

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“Document Interoperability” is Key for Meaningful Use

There is a great article in Healthcare IT News titled “Meaningful use creates medical bridges to nowhere”.  The article was the result of a discussion at the Clinton Foundation’s 2014 Health Matters Conference where Patrick Soon-Shiong, CEO of NantHealth, asserted that the incentives driving adoption of electronic medical records are causing severe problems with interoperability […]

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3 Basic Rules for Capturing Clean Images

Image capture is the first step to successful document recognition. Image capture might not be under your control, but if it is, here are 3 simple rules to follow:

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Don’t Have Drop Out Forms? Use Template Removal!

A great way to improve recognition results in general is to use a drop out form whenever possible.  These forms are printed with ink that can be “dropped out” by the scanner during image capture (usually red).  What you’re left with is a nice white page with nicely positioned data. Using drop out templates is […]

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Automating Signature Verification on Absentee Ballots and Mail-In Votes

Since the most common form of identification used at the polls is a signature, many states and municipal governments are making a conscious effort to ensure that their processes include signature authentication. This can be an arduous and labor-intensive process.   Mail-in voting is proving to be an increasingly popular method of voting in the […]

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Form Design: Quick Tip to Make Your Forms Smarter

Form design is essential to the success of recognition technology. Forms should be well designed to reduce illegible, inaccurate, misinterpreted or missing data, and to improve data recognition. It’s not always the case that you will be able to control the forms that you need to handle, but even if you can’t, often you can […]

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