Video | Document Classification and Separation

Preparing documents for scanning is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. For physical paper documents, paper clips, staples, etc. must be manually removed, and barcode separator sheets must be added to organize batches. Even if the documents are already in digital form, they are still typically reviewed to ensure the quality of the files. For example […]

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Trials of Multi-Channel Capture

Everyone is talking about multi-channel capture. While many capture vendors message they have it, do they really HAVE it? What is multi-channel capture you might ask? If you’re reading this blog, I hope you understand what we mean when we say “capture”. That is essentially the ability to capture document-based information to enable a variety […]

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Does Handwriting Recognition Software Have a Self-Learning Capability?

Recognizing handwriting is not an easy task, either by a person or by a computer. Think about it, how often have you looked at your own handwriting and can’t even read it? The development that is required for handwriting recognition software is monumental. Parascript has been working on this technology for over 20 years. We […]

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What is Dark Data and Why Should I Care?

Dark Data. It’s big and elusive, and still a new concept. Sounds a bit like Big Data a few years ago. This article will help define dark data, what it means to the document capture space and why it presents such critically important opportunities. What is Dark Data? Dark Data is a pretty mysterious term. […]

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3 Reasons You Should Capture the Value of Handwritten Data

First developed over 30 years ago, capture systems are a popular way to capture and digitize information that would otherwise be locked on paper. Indeed, it is common to scan a physical page and automatically extract bits of printed information so that the newly created digital version can be more easily stored and found. This […]

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Capture Software: Are you Buying Features or Solutions?

Are you buying this? Or this? There’s a little “secret” in the world of software that, while most people intuitively understand, is often overlooked when actually identifying a solution. This secret is also very applicable in the document capture world. What’s the secret you ask? You mean you don’t already know? Here, let me tell […]

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ICR Software 101: Handprint Recognition

Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) converts hand printed characters to their machine print (ASCII) equivalents, representing a significant step forward in technology when compared to OCR systems that only read machine print. The ability to recognize handprint significantly broadens the range of applications that benefit from automated ICR solutions. Because ICR can handle variations in character shape, the […]

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The Reality and Hidden Truth of Document Classification

When someone says “document classification” what immediately comes to mind? Chances are, the answer to that question is highly dependent upon who you are, what role you play within an organization, and your familiarity with document capture or management software. The key to a good definition is a good understanding of how document classification is […]

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How are AIIM Professionals Using Signature Verification?

A thoroughly engaged group of AIIM professionals swapped stories and asked questions and in a quick half hour roundtable with Parascript’s Chris Hill. “3 Ways to Use the Signatures You’re Scanning” was the topic that kicked off the discussion on day three of the 2014 AIIM Conference. Signatures are a symbol of trust. They serve […]

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The Evolution of Document Capture: From Capture-Centric to Business Process-Centric

Way back when document imaging first burst onto the scene, the primary problem was all about moving from paper-based file cabinets to electronic storage. It was just senseless to store potentially millions of documents in bankers boxes and file cabinets that took-up valuable office space or caused storage expenses. And then there was the inefficiency […]

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What is OCR Software?

In basic terms, OCR software examines a scanned image and translates the text within it into a file that can be edited. The first OCR systems translated text into a single font and size only. Today’s ambitious programs attempt to duplicate not only the fonts but also complex layout features, such as columns, tables, headers […]

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3 Ideas to Optimize New Account Application Form Processing

“There’s no business like new business!” Or perhaps better said, “there’s no more expensive business than new business!” In most businesses, developing and onboarding new business takes a lot more effort than retaining or growing existing business. That’s part of the reason so much attention has been turned to customer loyalty, retention, and engagement. Regardless, […]

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Everything you Need to Know about Advanced Capture and Recognition

Getting started with a capture implementation can be overwhelming. Currently most companies with a document capture process are only taking a straight scan-to-archive approach. But with today’s advanced capture technology, there’s no reason to be manually classifying documents or re-keying data. Learning what to expect and what’s possible with advanced capture is key to a […]

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FormXtra Capture | Latest Features and Enhancements

We are very excited to announce the following new features and enhacements to our document capture and recognition software, FormXtra Capture, available now. Advanced Document Classification and Separation Allows identification of document and boundaries within a batch regadless of order, dramatically simplifying batch processing of mixed documents. This functionality supports capture needs such as mortgage […]

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Video | Automated Application Processing

Applications processing requires capture and recognition of complex forms. These often include sensitive data such as contact information – address, phone numbers, email addresses; personal information such as social security, date of birth and account numbers; and may include information such as security questions. Additionally, other documents usually accompany an application such as supporting documentation […]

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