The Art of Address Recognition

As the address recognition providers to the USPS and other major postal operators around the world, we can safely say we know a thing or two about reading addresses.

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The Future of Automated Document Classification

I recently attended an AIIM webinar titled “Capture Anywhere-to-Process: The Need for Auto-Classification.” If you’re a member you can catch the recording at this link. In it, Seth Maislin of Earley& Associates made a very good case for the value of automated classification for the purposes of streamlining multi-channel and multi-format document capture to get the […]

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Adding Truthiness to Your Data Capture System

In every data capture automation project, one of the big criteria on which everyone tends to focus is “what percentage of accuracy will the software provide?”. When even considering a project, it is not uncommon to have very different takes on what that accuracy number should be. 90%? 100%? 80%? – depending on who the stakeholder […]

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The New Information Governance Paradigm

The term and notion of Information Governance is getting a lot of attention these days, and for good reason. Information is the lifeblood of businesses today and properly managing and governing its collection and use is a fundamental corporate imperative. As the volume and variety of enterprise information continues to grow, so does the need […]

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Medical Claims Processing for Machine Printed and Handwritten Forms [Video]

Manually processing medical claim forms is time consuming and prone to errors. Most claims are originated and transmitted electronically, but there is still a significant amount that are sent using paper. Automating this paper process is not easy as medical claims are complex and hard-to-read forms. Parascript’s advanced document capture and recognition software, FormXtra, makes […]

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Shedding Light on the Dark Data in your Document Capture Processes [Infographic]

AIIM just released a new infographic that highlights findings from the Parascript-sponsored research on dark data—Shedding Light on the Dark Data in your Document Capture Processes. This infographic presents current uses of capture, where dark data exists and the business value of handwritten keywords and signatures. Check out the infographic to see where you stack […]

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In Data Extraction, Error Rates are as Important as Accuracy Rates

In my previous post regarding accuracy, I left you hanging on how to achieve high accuracy rates. Let’s revisit the main theme of Part 1: You have the need to locate and extract data in your documents. Great. And you want it to be accurate. Ok, gotcha. And you don’t want downstream systems to get […]

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Announcing Parascript’s Microsoft Gold Certification and SharePoint Integration with FormXtra Capture for SharePoint

We are very excited to announce today that we achieved Microsoft Gold Certification for application development of our FormXtra products. FormXtra includes out-of-the-box integration with SharePoint that enables easy access to imaged documents, paper forms, PDFs, email attachments and more in SharePoint-based applications. With FormXtra Capture for SharePoint, Parascript provides the first two-way, interactive SharePoint […]

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In Data Extraction, Accuracy is Only Half the Equation

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been asked the question “how accurate is your recognition?”. My admittedly flippant (but genuine) response is “it depends”. I’m not debating the need for the question. It is very important to understand the level of accuracy for any solution designed to automate the process of identifying and […]

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Protect the Privacy and Security of Overlooked Information

In any organization there is overlooked information that is never noticed and no one ever thinks about. It includes, among other things, handwritten data that exists on forms, contracts, and a variety of everyday business documents. But this information can represent a treasure trove of opportunity for computer hackers who are paying attention, and are […]

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Can I use ICR on PDF Documents?

Most, if not all, PDF documents that come across your computer probably contain only machine-printed text, such as invoices, contracts, etc. And nowadays you can easily read, and even edit, the contents with any standard OCR (optical character recognition) software. But what if you have a PDF with handwriting in it? Can you still capture […]

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How to Choose the Right Threshold

Selecting the right threshold for a specific application is very important as it determines the accuracy of the accepted answers and the amount of manual labor required. Finding this threshold requires some work, but it will definitely pay off. How does it work? When performing recognition or verification, the software evaluates an image and provides […]

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Behind the Curtain of Handwritting Recognition

Something that comes-up from time to time is the question “how accurate is your handwriting recognition technology”? It’s not a terribly surprising question as accuracy IS important. Also, the conceptual similarity to recognition of machine print (often called OCR) and business familiarity with that technology and its high accuracies makes folks curious. Just how good […]

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Three Types of Dark Data that Get Missed

Organizations today are looking for ways to shed light on “Dark Data” – information that organizations have available to collect, process and store during regular business activities, but that gets overlooked, lost, or is left unused in the process. It includes, among other things, handwritten data that exists on forms, contracts, and a variety of […]

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Intelligent Document Recognition That’s Actually Intelligent

Intelligent document recognition. I understand the words, but what do they really mean? Let’s deconstruct the phrase. Intelligent. Ok, so this stuff is supposed to be smart enough to tell one document from another. Document. we’re talking about documents; check. Recognition. This stuff recognizes documents. Yet I still have trouble really getting to the essence […]

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