Recognition 101: OCR, ICR & Machine Learning

OCR | ICR Recognition Software 101

OCR and ICR Recognition 101 is a primer on fundamental concepts critical to understanding the wide range of technology options available to businesses today.

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Data Quality: Debunking Myths, Facing Realities

Top BPOs–50% rated the accuracy of their data results from document processing as somewhat low–we examine how to ensure higher data quality.

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Value Creation in Document Processing: Top BPOs and Their Clients Surveyed

Top BPOs and their clients provide insights into their document processing challenges and overcoming their data quality hurdles.

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graphic that reads Automation Globalization & Job Loss

Debunking the Myths: Job Loss, Globalization and Automation

The debate rages on loss of high-paying jobs due to globalization, automation and unfair trade practices, but where do the myths end and reality begin?

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example of ground truth data: squirrel, no squirrel

Striking Gold: What’s Behind Any Successful AI

Discover and collect the gold behind every successful artificial intelligence: what ground truth data means and its critical importance.

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Where Are You on the Automation Continuum?

Capture: Where Is Your Business on the Automation Continuum?

Find out where your business is in the “automation maturity model” continuum in terms of flexibility and ability to increase efficiency.

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Automation for improved efficiency

Trends in Outsourcing: Improving Efficiencies in Document Processing Automation

Operational improvements resulting in cost reductions and greater efficiency are being driven by automation technologies.

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Value Creation for BPOs and Their Clients

SIG Webinar: Value Creation – Interview Results from the Top BPOs and their Clients

Upcoming SIG Webinar on Value Creation – summarizes the results of an interview survey of 100 of the top BPOs and their clients.

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What Does AI Mean for You?

An exploration into what separates real progress from mere hype in how artificial intelligence is leveraged in today’s world and what it means to you.

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overhead view of people at a table and words that read: AI - Everywhere We Are

Shaping Our People-first World: AI Everywhere We Are

AI is everywhere, so why are businesses still relying on human intervention and manual validation–especially in document processing?

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Improving data quality

5 Reasons Data Quality Proves Key to Profitability

Recent benchmarking survey of BPOs reveals insights that illustrate the state of the industry and how businesses cope with rapidly changing market dynamics.

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Secret to Accurate Results: Capture Powered by AI Voting

How capture and recognition powered by artificial intelligence lead to more accurate data results through advanced voting algorithms.

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Survey Infographic

BPO Challenges & Opportunities: Document Processing in 2017

BPO Document Processing Survey results identifies challenges BPOs face and where BPOs expect the industry to be headed through 2017.

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Hidden Side of Capture: Image Cleanup Optimizes Recognition

Important tips on image cleanup and preprocessing–sides of capture that are central to effective data extraction.

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2016 Round-up

2016 Roundup: Top Articles, Videos & Blogs

2016 roundup of Parascript top picks and most popular reads on topics ranging from artificial intelligence, invoice, receipt and check processing to document classification

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