illustration of two people running a relay race with text that reads Are you ready? Document Processing Automation

Is Your BPO Taking Advantage of the Latest Technologies?

For companies with high volume document processing needs that are either processing in-house or outsourcing these tasks, it’s worth examining the level of automation currently used and if AI and machine learning are even under consideration.

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Services Fragmentation

Services Fragmentation Puts BPOs at Risk

BPOs with services fragmentation are increasingly at risk since they have often electing to procure technology on a project-by-project (a.k.a., client-by-client) basis, but there are approaches to overcome this fragmentation.

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What’s Next for Restrictive Endorsement and Fraud Prevention

Now is the time for restrictive endorsement in fraud prevention, which means financial institutions will need to implement technology to detect the presence of the restrictive endorsement in addition to the signature.

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Classification: the Power of the Visual

When it comes to the classification of documents, one accepted approach is using text. And yet, visual classification can offer a powerful alternative.

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Are You Really Getting the OCR Accuracy You Expect?

Getting good and reliable OCR accuracy from your system may involve more than you think.

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Where Innovation Meets AP Automation

Panorama of AP automated solutions–traditional approaches versus machine learning and how to determine what solution works best for you.

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Evaluate How You Run Your Capture Operation

This AIIM webinar focuses on how capture leaders are running their large document processing operations, their challenges and how they address them.

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Think Solutions over Features in Document Capture

Think Solutions over Features: Find Your Best Option

How to move beyond features and attributes in document processing automation to identify the solution that best meets your enterprise’s needs.

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Automatedgraphic with text that reads Automated Capture Configuration Facilitates New Technology Adoption Capture

Automated Capture Configuration Key to Technology Adoption

Capture and recognition engines vary widely in ease-of-use and configuration automation is key to adopting advanced capture software–find out why here.

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Super AI takeover or will they be our superhuman personal assistants

Super-AI Takeover or Superhuman Personal Assistants?

Artificial intelligence may outperform humans in 45 years although AI today is highly constrained and applied in its actual smarts. What happens between now and tomorrow?

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What BPO Clients Consider When Outsourcing

Outsourcing to reduce cost is one important reason for selecting a Business Process Outsourcer, but it’s not enough as companies look to their BPOs for additional services.

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AI: How Did We Get Here?

All indications are artificial intelligence (AI) will transform our future in significant ways. Today, AI already automates many activities that were typically relegated to humans, but how exactly did we get here?

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3 Reasons to Automate Data Capture and Interpretation

3 Reasons to Automate Data Capture and Interpretation

Explore how business-critical data waiting to be released to the workflow process could be captured and mined for relevant facts that impact decision making.

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Check recognition, rules and neural networks

Document Recognition | Why Rules & Neural Nets…

Why can’t capture and recognition software read fields that a person can read and how does it read what we find hard to read? The answer: neural nets.

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oxford shoes on asphalt with text asking if you're ready to meet the new industry trends in BPO

BPOs Meet the Competition

BPOs that provide document processing services face new competition, and if they are not prepared to respond, their viability may be at stake.

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