person holding a cell phone with text overlay that reads Automation Potential

Realizing Automation Potentials in Logistics and Transportation

Overcoming the challenges of logistics and transportation document processing automation, especially waybills and bills of lading is now possible through the latest document classification and data extraction software powered by machine learning.

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Overcoming Medical Billing Challenges: Black-and-White Claims

Overcoming medical billing challenges when between 10 percent to 25 percent of paper-initiated claims are black-and-white images translates to around 150 million annually with high costs to process; this article focuses on how full automation and high quality data extraction results can be achieved.

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Invoice Data Verification: Taking Invoice Recognition Out of AP

Invoice data verification takes invoice capture or recognition beyond the Accounts Payable (AP) department for use in new applications, namely tax auditing and refund recovery.

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Capturing HP Data

Handprint Recognition: Beyond Boxes & Combs in ICR

With ICR, moving beyond requiring boxes and combs with advanced handprint recognition systems.

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Core Competencies

Attention BPOs: Data Extraction and OCR Are Not Your Core Competencies

How to move beyond data extraction and OCR as core competencies in document processing in order to meet evolving client data needs and expectations.

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Know your customer

Best Practices for Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance

Know Your Customer (KYC) significantly impacts business operation’s bottomline and customer onboarding experiences. Here are a few best practices for KYC compliance.

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little boy looking through binoculars

Capture: Technology Trends & Considerations for 2018

Find out about the latest capture and recognition trends including the key considerations in RPA and artificial intelligence powered by machine learning.

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Upcoming Webinar | Parascript FormXtra Capabilities Overview with Demo

Join us to discover the latest Parascript FormXtra capabilities and watch a live document classification demo in this Parascript webinar.

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graphic which reads 2017 Roundup, Best Articles, Videos & Blogs

2017 Roundup: Top Articles, Videos & Blogs

The best of 2017 is this roundup includes most read articles, top videos watched and the most popular blogs for Parascript this past year.

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Implementing & Assessing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is often set against a strategic planning backdrop, but there are practical and more tactical ways to address technology adoption.

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graphic that indicates 51% of people think automatically improving system accuracy is important

What Differentiates the Leading BPOs?

Top differentiators place BPOs ahead of their competitors. How does your company rate on the five leading differentiators?

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Reimagining Audits Through Automation

Reimagining auditing requires looking at the data on documents like invoices and tax forms to provide insights outside the normal business processes.

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OCR confidence scores

How Confident Are You in Your OCR Confidence Scores?

Many capture systems cannot provide the level of certainty necessary for data extraction to be truly automated–find out why…

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graphic of various screens and icons

Advanced Imaging Shakes Up Capture

Advanced image processing for scanned documents is now more important than ever—find out why and how it makes your life easier in this article.

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Document Processing: What Is 90% Accuracy?

Often in conversations with clients and prospective clients, we hear phrases such as “we want to get 90 percent accuracy” from our system, but what does that really mean?

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