man holding files with overlay of words that read "accounts payable automation"

Three Essential Steps to Accounts Payable Automation

Here are three essential steps to Accounts Payable automation that you can do today to overcome what may seem like the most daunting challenges to automation.

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Cognitive RPA | Automate | Assessing the Challenges

Cognitive RPA: Assessing the Challenges

Tackling more complex processes leveraging enterprise Robotic Process Automation (RPA) requires overcoming some significant challenges. This article explores how to meet those challenges.

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Quality Data

Automation: How to Get Started with Quality Data

Quality data matters so when it comes to starting with good data in the input stream, the capture process can help us to identify quality vs non-quality. This article explores how to course-correct along the way.

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Document Automation: Drilling into the Core of Cognitive RPA

Drilling into cognitive robotic process automation (RPA) reveals document automation at its center. This article focuses on cognitive RPA and what it means to your business.

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document classification: one classifier to rule them all

One Document Classifier to Rule Them All?

Is there one document classifier to rule them all powered by artificial intelligence? This article explores the AI document classification options and how to determine which document classifier works best for your business.

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Handwriting Recognition Tech Talk

Handwriting Recognition: Tech Talk

Handwriting recognition continues to offer interesting challenges to businesses and the scientific community. Recently, Sergey Polovinkin, a Computer Vision Engineer in the Ukraine at IDR, gave a tech talk to data scientists there about handwriting recognition. He shared some of the details with us.

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Digital Transformation in Accounts Payable

4 Key Benefits to Digital Transformation in Accounts Payable

“Digital Transformation” is changing Accounts Payable, and companies find that AP automation is making a real difference per a study conducted by AIIM International. Find out the details and the key benefits here.

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Data Entry vs Validation: Accelerate Throughput at Less Cost

Data Entry vs Validation: Accelerate Throughput at Less Cost

Data entry vs validation–the goal for document automation is to accelerate straight-through processing with reduced data entry and higher quality data results at a lower cost. This article explores how to get the most out of your automation strategy.

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100 percent document processing automation

Attaining the Unattainable: 100% Document Processing Automation

Attaining 100% document automation within this lifetime may be unattainable, but it doesn’t keep us from working toward the ideal. Discover how accuracy is meaningfully measured and when it is NOT and why it matters to your business.

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Leveraging AI in Document Classification

Leveraging AI for document classification can still require many human steps–or not. The amount of manual processing depends on the sophistication of the automated classification engine. Find out about the challenges and how to address them here.

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Silver Bullet RPA

Robotic Process Automation: Is It the Silver Bullet?

Is RPA the silver bullet? Dispelling myths and getting at the facts of today’s state of document processing and robotic process automation.

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5 Essential Questions to Ask Before Buying Your Capture Solution

With all of the capture solutions available, how do you know which one is right for your enterprise? This article explores the top 5 questions to ask before buying a solution.

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Machine Learning AI vs Expert Systems AI | Why It’s Better

How do you decide when to use expert systems or machine learning AI to automate your document processing? Find out here.

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Intelligent Data Management

Advanced Data Capture for Claims Processing

Why expand the scope of your current automation and what to look for when you decide to further automate? Find out here when the aim is to eliminate manual intervention where possible, reduce errors and cut operating expenses.

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Getting to Know the Executive Team: CEO Alexander Filatov

Softline featured Parascript CEO Alexander Filatov as a special guest in their March Softline Direct Magazine in Russian. Here is the summary in English.

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