Within the Digital Transformation (DX) landscape, there is a growing interest in document...
Intelligent Automation
Attended and Unattended Automation for Document Processing
Introducing the First Article in our Straight Through Processing (STP) Series The difference...
Don’t Just OCR Documents, Interpret Them | Unattended Automation’s Hidden Role
Don’t just OCR documents. Interpret them. Document interpretation is central to cognitive document...
Document Automation: Best Practices You Should Know About
Earlier this year Parascript partnered with AIIM International to conduct a “Leaders in Capture”...
AI & IA: What Does Intelligent Automation Really Mean?
A version of this article was first published here AI and the IA Network: Intelligent Automation...
Accelerating Document Automation: Capture Beyond Paper
Today, accelerating process automation means implementing workflows that no longer require...
Automation: What Is Cognitive Capture?
This is part one in a multi-part series on the advanced capture stack. In this article, we discuss...
Intelligent Automation Trends: How the Digital Workforce Takes Advantage of Document Automation
In 2019, AIIM surveyed its membership with the specific goal of better understanding how...
What Is a Document & Where Is It Headed? | Document Automation
What is a document really and what is its future? A very useful construct and definition of a...