The Cost of Medical Snooping

A new HIMSS healthcare security just came out that identifies the very real risk of HIPAA non-compliance by healthcare staff (you can find a nice article summarizing the report here). The penalty in terms of fines for health-related security breaches is quite severe at around $810,000. In another report, 61% of healthcare organizations reported a security […]

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Validation Without the Risk – Field-Based Validation

Have you ever been uncomfortable with someone potentially looking over your shoulder while you enter your PIN number at a point-of-sale device or ATM? What about having someone see the document you’re working on while on an airplane? Now do you have documents in your organization being scanned and validated that have sensitive information like credit […]

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Infographic: Adoption of Mobile Banking

Mitek Systems has a great year in review infographic regarding adoption of mobile computing devices and their use within retail banking. It’s becoming pretty clear that being able to perform common banking functions with your mobile device is a very appealing draw to many banking customers and it shouldn’t really come as a surprise. ATM […]

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“Document Interoperability” is Key for Meaningful Use

There is a great article in Healthcare IT News titled “Meaningful use creates medical bridges to nowhere”.  The article was the result of a discussion at the Clinton Foundation’s 2014 Health Matters Conference where Patrick Soon-Shiong, CEO of NantHealth, asserted that the incentives driving adoption of electronic medical records are causing severe problems with interoperability […]

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Health Data: How to Improve Productivity and “Meaningful Usability”

A recent IDC Health Insights Survey reveals that there is a lot of dissatisfaction with electronic health records by healthcare providers.  While many HER/EMR solutions providers tout improved access and efficiencies through the management of healthcare-related information and processes, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that there is dissatisfaction with the current state. Why? […]

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Practical Ideas for Extending Health Data with Handwritten Notes

I recently sat-in on a great HIMMS webinar called “Extending Your EMR with Business Intelligence Solutions” that has a lot of great examples of how analytics can be applied to health information stored within electronic medical and health records.  Just as I was about to question where scanned or handwritten information played in this healthcare “revolution” […]

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What (and what not) to expect with ICR, handwriting recognition

A lot of folks, both technologists and end users, are very familiar with the capabilities of OCR and the technology’s ability to convert images of typewritten documents into searchable electronic text. Thanks to incorporation with software packages from companies including Adobe, Apple, and Microsoft— consumers and businesspeople alike can take advantage of OCR’s capabilities to […]

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