Computers: let’s train them like we train our dogs. Machine learning lets us train our software to complete the most mundane organizational and data entry tasks.
Why Don’t We All Use Artificial Intelligence?
If machine learning is real, then why don’t we all use artificial intelligence? The hype surrounding AI and machine learning may be justified, but what needs to be further explored is the level of effort necessary to train a machine or software so that it’s actually useful.
What Are the Keys to Your Successful Capture Project?
Keys to your successful capture project success involve three major strategies with critical tactics.
Think Like Spock: Automate Your Document Analysis
Think like Spock and automate document analysis and processing, using the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Validating Data Costs You Millions
Validating data costs you millions annually, but there may be low-cost, superior quality alternatives with today’s technologies.
Is Signature Matching the Same as Signature Verification?
Puzzling out Signature Matching and Signature Verification and everything in-between.
How Technology to Detect Cancer Improves Unstructured Data Extraction
How AI and machine learning technology applications locate and extract relevant information from hard-to-understand, complex images.
OCR: Does Your Software Lack Confidence?
OCR: Does Your Software Lack Confidence–explores variations in confidence scores and what this means for high quality results in invoice, receipt and check processing.
Addressing Hidden Challenges of Claims Processing
How to address the hidden challenges of faxed and black/white printed structured claims forms with excessive “noise” and scaling problems.
Check Payee Line Verification – Has Its Time Come?
Is Check Payee Line Verification still necessary? It turns out it is for fraud prevention and regulatory compliance. Find out more here.
Document Capture: Do Machines Learn?
Where document capture and machine learning intersect, find out how machines continue to learn.
Demystifying Machine Learning
Let’s demystify machine learning–what we’re talking about when we talk about LEARNING. Within document capture arena, which includes both classification and data extraction from documents, automated or machine learning and training have advanced capture and recognition beyond OCR.