Learn from industry analysts and expert users via the Parascript webinar series. Join us for the live events or view webinars on-demand when it works best with your schedule. Explore how to reduce your manual processing, improve efficiency and ensure your data quality with Parascript auto-configuration, real-time adaptability, intelligent capture software.

Future of Insurance - Visit the Parascript Booth

Future of Insurance USA 2021

The Future of Insurance USA 2021 brings together senior executives and top technologists from across the industry to discuss their challenges, the latest trends and technologies.

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parascript logo with digital 1s and 0s background

Document Automation at Core of Cognitive RPA | SIG Webinar

Document automation is really at the core of Cognitive Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Find out how the best available RPA solutions leverage document automation, data understanding and business rule automation with use cases in financial, healthcare and insurance industries.

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Intelligent Capture: Your Onramp to Business Efficiency

Intelligent Capture: Your Onramp to Business Efficiency – AIIM Virtual Event

This AIIM Virtual Event session explores AI, focusing on applications of machine learning within Intelligent Capture and the key things you need to understand before you begin your journey.

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Parascript Event

Join the Capture Refresh Wave: Our Partnering Philosophy

Find out about our Partner-First Program that focuses on collaboration and technology enablement. We’ll show you the key factors behind our growth—FormXtra.AI and Smart Learning—and how these will benefit you.

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FormXtra.AI Smart Learning - Best Intelligent Capture

FormXtra.AI 7.6 Smart Learning Overview with Demo

Here is an opportunity to see FormXtra.AI Smart Learning in action, how it extracts data from highly variable, multi-page documents eliminating time-consuming, brittle templates or rules-based approaches. Discover the new capabilities in intelligent capture.

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Document Automation Success

5 Key Factors for Document Automation PoC Success

Find out how to scope a successful document processing automation Proof of Concept (PoC) from initial preparation, participants, technology evaluation to what to do with the results.

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Straight Through Processing for Mortgages

Straight Through Processing for mortgages is possible with the right automation. Find out how to overcome mortgage document processing challenges from classification to data extraction.

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Accelerate you AI Success

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Success

Accelerate your digital transformation by discovering the what, why and how of tackling cognitive Robotic Process Automation within your digital transformation implementations based on BPO survey results.

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Capture leaders

100 Capture Leaders & Their Projects: Survey Results | AIIM Webinar

AIIM shares survey results on the practical use of machine learning within document automation and its effectiveness, experiences with cognitive RPA projects and targeted business processes for future projects.

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Mortgage Application Processing

Mortgage Classification: Increase Your Loan Throughput by 30%

Mortgage classification automation is about more than simply reducing document handling costs. It is about moving loans faster through the approval cycle, which is possible via better, more high quality automation.

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Digital Insurance Automation

Digital Insurance: Insurance processes optimized for cost, but at-risk for disruption?

In insurance processes, document automation improves agility while reducing cost & risk. Join us for an in-depth look at automation tactics & opportunities.

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Digital Transformation Demystified: What It Is and Practical Ways to Get There

Digital Transformation is likely on your organization’s strategic agenda, but how do you define the right tasks, prioritize and fund them? Find out here.

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