Data is at the heart of the Digital Revolution. And data quality is at the heart of the challenge facing organizations as they attempt to make their data fit for purpose and fit for use. According to Gartner, at any moment in time, up to 40% of an enterprise’s data is inaccurate, missing or incomplete.
This industry brief explores how to move beyond simply looking at OCR error rates to examine critical issues such as:
- How effective are your efforts to process multiple document types within a single process or workflow? Across multiple processes and workflows?
- Can you automatically identify new document types and adjust your system to address them?
- Can you identify where processing failures will occur, correct them, and incorporate that intelligence into your system?
Explore the key areas that end user organizations should consider as they think through how to evaluate their data quality in document processing in this industry briefing from John Mancini, AIIM President and Chief Evangelist.